Estate Planning Screw-Ups
Will your heirs be forced to do damage control because of your estate planning screw-ups?

Y’all Give Great Estate Planning Advice
Our blog and video content may be good, but it's no substitute for personalized estate planning advice.

My Divorce Lawyer Did My Estate Plan
If the attorney who handled your divorce created your estate plan, your heirs might be in for a surprise.

Estate Planning Mistake #5: Unclear about Probate Assets
Do you know which assets are going to be part of your probate estate and which assets are going to pass outside of probate?Â

DIY Estate Planning Mistake #2: Choosing the Wrong Witnesses
This article explores another common error we see among people who create their estate planning documents using forms from the internet.

DIY Estate Planning Mistake #1: Forgetting the Self-Proving Affidavit
In this article, we explore one of the most common errors we see in the DIY estate planning process: forgetting the self-proving affidavit.

Plan Ahead for Your Pets
Is it possible to set aside money to care for pets after you're gone? Thanks to pet trusts, a relatively new estate planning strategy, i

It's Never Too Early to Plan
Estate planning is for everyone, even young people. For this couple, a major life event motivated them to put their affairs in order.

Everyone Needs a Will
Think you can skate by without a will? Attorney Kim Kimbrough encourages you to think again. View more educational videos on Kimbrough...

It's Never Too Early to Plan
Estate planning is for everyone, even young people. For this couple, a major life event motivated them to put their affairs in order.