Have the Holidays Left You Concerned about Your Aging Parents?
This is the time of year when many adults realize that their aging parents aren't doing as well as they thought they were.
How Do You Celebrate Halloween?
How do you celebrate the spookiest holiday of the year? We posed the question to several Kimbrough Law staff members. Here's what they said.
Today is Memorial Day
This Memorial Day weekend, tens of thousands of Americans will visit our national cemeteries to pay their respects and to honor the fallen.
Holiday Gift Ideas for the Older Adults on Your List
What do you buy for elderly loved ones who already have everything? Life Care Coordinator Robin Lacrimosa has some suggestions.
A Mother's Day Message
Mother’s Day is about more than just cards, flowers, and candy, especially if your mother's health is declining.
3 Great Holiday Gift Ideas for Older Adults
Life Care Coordinator Mary Jo Johnson joins Gayla Zoz to talk about three types of gifts that need to be on your radar this holiday season.
Do Halloween and Dementia Mix?
Millions of Americans look forward to Halloween, but for people living with dementia, the holiday can be terrifying.
What is Your Favorite Fall Activity?
What do you love doing most in the fall? What's your position on the pumpkin spice controversy? Kimbrough Law staffers weigh in.
A Labor Day Thought: Caregiving is Work
This Labor Day, we salute the millions of caregivers working behind the scenes to care for elderly loved ones.
My Favorite Mother's Day Memory
What is your favorite Mother's Day memory? We posed this questions to the Moms on the Kimbrough Law staff. Here's what they told us.