Digging In Their Heels
Do you see red flags that your mom and dad aren’t doing as well at home as they used to? Is the housekeeping not up to standard? Is it...
Managing the Parent/Child Role Reversal
You're the parent and your elderly parent is the child. It's disorienting. It's difficult. Unfortunately, it happens frequently during a...
VA extends Agent Orange presumption to ‘Blue Water Navy’ Veterans
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is preparing to process Agent Orange exposure claims for “Blue Water Navy” Veterans who...
Don't Wait to Plan for Long-Term Care
Why should you plan for your long-term care before you need it? Attorney Kim Kimbrough explains.
Beware of the "One-Ring" Phone Scam
We are looking forward to the day when we can say with confidence that scams are a thing of the past. Unfortunately, today is not that...
When to Call Your Elder Care Coordinator
One of the benefits of getting a Life Care Plan for your elderly loved one is access to the services of an elder care coordinator to...
ABLE Accounts: Making Life Better for People with Disabilities
On December 19th, 2019, the Stephen Beck, Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act (ABLE) will be five years old. Why are we excited?...
Taxes: What You Don't Know Can Cost You
Will you be one of the many people who trusted their elderly parents or loved ones to get their estate planning right, and then were...
Understanding Yourself as a Caregiver
Someone you love needs help and support at home. You may find yourself wondering what you should do. How should you help? It may be...