A Path to Property Tax Relief: Georgia’s Homestead Exemption for Seniors
Did you know that Georgia has homestead exemptions that offer property tax relief for older adults? This article explains how it works.
Top Hidden Household Hazards for Elderly Loved Ones: What You Need to Know
As the weather cools and everyone spends more time indoors, be on the lookout for five common household hazards.
October is the Perfect Time to Start Planning for Long-Term Care
Have you started to think about how you will pay for long-term care? If you haven't given it much thought, now is the time to start.
A New Meaning for Independence Day
If you're caring for an elderly relative, the celebration of Independence Day can be complicated and bittersweet.
Is the Nursing Home My Only Option?
For seniors who can't live at home without assistance, Georgia's Medicaid Waiver program may be an option.
Sleep Quality - Part 1
Welcome to Elder Care Conversations, where members of the Kimbrough Law staff talk to experts in the senior care field to share...
Suspicion Alzheimer’s: Part 3
Welcome to Elder Care Conversations, where members of the Kimbrough Law staff talk to experts in the senior care field to share...
Suspicion Alzheimer’s: Part 2
Welcome to Elder Care Conversations, where members of the Kimbrough Law staff talk to experts in the senior care field to share...
Suspicion Alzheimer’s: Part 1
Welcome to Elder Care Conversations, where members of the Kimbrough Law staff talk to experts in the senior care field to share...
Special Needs Trusts - Part 2
Welcome to Elder Care Conversations, where members of the Kimbrough Law staff talk to experts in the senior care field to share...