It's Never Too Early to Plan
Estate planning is for everyone, even young people. For this couple, a major life event motivated them to put their affairs in order.
What is Life Care Planning?
If an elderly loved one has been recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness like Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or...
What Might a Trump Administration Mean for Medicaid?
This new fact sheet examines key questions around the potential changes President-elect Donald Trump and the next Congress may seek to...
In Gratitude
On this Thanksgiving Day, we pause to express our gratitude to the clients who have placed their confidence in us, to our families who...
What to Expect
What happens after you call Kimbrough Law to schedule an appointment? Firm Administrator Pam Parks explains what to expect during your...
2017 Medicare Parts A & B Premiums and Deductibles Announced
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have announced the 2017 premiums for the Medicare inpatient hospital (Part A) and...
Today is Veterans Day
In honor of Veterans’ Day on November 11, Kimbrough Law salutes the millions of men and women who have helped protect our uniquely...
Family Caregivers Honored in November
In honor of National Family Caregivers Month, Kimbrough Law salutes the millions of family members, neighbors, and friends who provide...
Kimbrough Law Firm Unveils New Name, Brand and Website
The Kimbrough Law Firm is unveiling a rebranding effort that includes a new name, a new logo and a new website, company officials...