Kimbrough Law Celebrates Five Years in Business; Offers Free Document Reviews to Community on Sep. 1
Kimbrough Law is celebrating its fifth anniversary! In honor of the milestone, the firm will be offering free document review service in the Athens area on Sep. 19 and in the Gainesville area on Sep. 20. Individuals and families are invited to bring their wills, powers of attorney, advance directives, and other estate planning related documents for a no-cost review by a Kimbrough Law attorney.
The firm known today as Kimbrough Law was launched in 2012 as The Kimbrough Law Firm when attorney William H. (Kim) Kimbrough, Jr., began offering estate planning and elder law services from a storefront on Baxter Street in Athens.
The community response was swift and positive. To meet the demand, Kimbrough expanded the firm’s service menu to include Life Care Planning and hybrid long-term care insurance products, and added a second attorney, a VA benefits specialist, several elder care coordinators, and other professionals to the staff roster. The firm opened a second location in Gainesville and rebranded as Kimbrough Law late last year.
Since its launch, Kimbrough Law has developed a reputation as North Georgia’s go-to firm for veterans benefits. The firm is has submitted—and won—VA benefit awards for 415 clients, a 100 percent success rate, according to Kimbrough. “My first VA case was for my mother in-law who kept running into roadblocks with her VA benefits application,” Kimbrough recalled. “The VA kept telling her that she didn’t have a claim but I knew she did.”
Though Kimbrough Law continues to represent hundreds of veterans and their families in VA benefit claims, the firm’s mission today is much broader. “We offer strategic planning for the generations,” said Kimbrough, nothing that the firm’s clients range from young couples in their 20s developing their first estate plan to seniors in their 90s and beyond who need assistance managing the challenges of chronic illness. “We draw from a powerful array of legal tools, financial products, and care-related services to help our clients avoid the financial, legal, and personal catastrophes that can happen when a loved one ages or when a family member suffers an unexpected illness or disability.”
When it comes to unplanned health-related problems, Kimbrough speaks from experience. “I was 48 and at the top of my game when I had a stroke,” said Kimbrough, who at the time was a partner at a prominent Athens law firm and a member of the University of Georgia School of Law’s adjunct faculty. “It took me 15 years to recover. But when I did, I knew without a doubt that I was being called to use my skills and experience to bring comfort to others facing similar situations. My own life experience underscores the importance of planning ahead for the many unknowns in life.”
People in the Athens and Gainesville areas interested in taking advantage of the free document review at Kimbrough Law’s Athens office can sign up online at or by calling Kimbrough Law at 706.850.6910.
Kimbrough Law’s attorneys and elder care coordinators are also engaging presenters who can address many topics related to the challenges of aging, long-term illness, and disability. The firm provides free presentations customized to fit the needs of civic and community groups. To schedule a presentation, call Kimbrough Law at 706.850.6910.