Scams Targeting Seniors: What We're Seeing Now
Scams targeting seniors are especially devastating to everyone involved. Here's a roundup of the scams we're seeing most in 2024.

Beware the IRS Scam Letters
Scammers aren't just impersonating IRS agents via phone calls, the fraudsters are now sending letters. Here's what you need to know

Identity Theft and the Elderly
If you’re over 60 years old or you're looking after an elderly loved one, be careful. Criminals take more than $36 billion from older...

Skimming is Out; Shimming is In
If you're looking out for elderly loved ones, you'll want to know about this new scamming technique. As you may know, banks and credit...

Avoiding Scams While on Vacation
As the summer vacation season moves into high gear, keep Benjamin Franklin's words of wisdom in mind: “an ounce of prevention is worth a...

Beware the NEW Social Security Scam
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has issued a warning to those receiving benefits. Scammers are calling from a 232 area code,...

Watch Out for Gift Card Scams
Don’t judge the card by its package. Consider the case of Kenneth. He has two grandsons in another state that he does not get to see as...

Utility Scams: What to Look For and How to Protect Yourself
Scammers manipulate people easily with utility scams because everyone is dependent on utilities. Water, electricity, heat , and air...